
How to Trust Your Own Voice in Your Career Narrative

How to Trust Your Own Voice in Your Career Narrative

Whose voices are in your head when it comes to your career narrative and what are they saying?

Depending on our experiences to date, the composition of these voices can range from largely negative to mostly positive. Where we find ourselves along this continuum can be heavily influenced by our identities and intersections. Our identities, especially those that are visible, can play a strong role in influencing the nature of the messages we receive about ourselves both in life and work. For those of us holding one or more marginalized identities with regard to gender, race, LGBTQ status, or having a disability, the voices we have heard may have trended toward the negative.

In the career setting, these negative messages can infiltrate, influence, or even impede your own voice when it comes to telling your career story to advance or land a new role. These voices are the manifestation of systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and more, that are ingrained in the corporate world.

This looks like my client who is an accomplished black professional with ~30 years in her field worrying about formal and informal performance feedback she’d received years ago impacting her ability to find a new job today -- in a new industry…

Job Searching in the Time of Covid-19: 6 Tips

Job Searching in the Time of Covid-19: 6 Tips

In a matter of a few weeks, the entire world has been flipped upside down by Covid-19. Good news seems hard to find these days, but I hope this one fact brings you some comfort -- though your life may feel strange as you adjust to the temporary, “Covid-19 normal,” the rules of conducting a successful job search remain much the same. In fact, whether you are searching for a new job right now by choice or out of necessity, job searching in the time of Covid-19 may give you one distinct advantage -- extra time.

I don’t mean to overlook anyone’s need to find immediate employment as a result of sudden job loss, but I do wish to highlight that due to the current, all-consuming nature of the pandemic, many businesses are still trying to figure their way forward amidst constantly changing social and economic conditions. Given that employers’ attentions are divided, job seekers may have a bit more time to engage in the self-reflection, direction-finding, research, networking, and marketing necessary to land a job, than under normal circumstances.

Be Kind to Yourself During Your Job Search

Be Kind to Yourself During Your Job Search

Job searching is hard. Let’s just collectively acknowledge this as fact. While the degree of difficulty varies by person, local job market, experience level, and more, we all have the innate ability to make it feel worse based on the pressure we place on ourselves. One’s emotional and psychological fortitude are certainly tested during the search process by myriad external factors. It’s important to note, however, that our inner world plays a major role in how we respond to these external factors. Our responses can either attenuate or exacerbate our experience, which can have an impact on the success of our search. What’s the solution to handling the inevitable ups and downs of a job search you ask…? BE KIND TO YOURSELF.

We are all taught from a young age to be kind to others throughout all our interactions in life. As the father of a 7yo girl who I’ve seen cry after receiving a 23/25 on a first-grade math test and is for some reason (don’t ask me why) already worrying about getting good grades in college, I’m seeing the critical importance of teaching her to be kind to herself. As a society, I’m not sure we are taught well or enough about being kind to ourselves because of the modern, performance-driven culture we live in -- especially in the United States. 

Many of you reading this are successful because you were raised with high expectations and/or you place them on yourselves to this day. Logically following, the job search would be no exception. You are a great candidate, so finding a job shouldn’t be too hard, right?